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Christmas Cookies with Ginger

Christmas Cookies with Ginger


~ 2 ¼ cups Butter
~ 2 ¼ cups of sugar
~ 3 eggs
~ 1 cup molasses
~ ¾ t of salt
~ 5 ½ tsp soda
~ 2 ½ tsp of cloves
~ 2½ tsp cinnamon
~ 2 tsp. ginger
~ 6 cups of flour


~ Mix all the materials together.
~ Let the dough rest
~ Make balls and dip the top half into the sugar
~ Just before baking, use the bottom of a cup to press each cookie separately
~ Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes.
~ Do not drop them if you want them a little soft
~ Let them cool down.