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Organic dried Mango Sugar Free


Organic dried Mango Sugar Free

Organic dried Mango Sugar Free

Mango is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B - carotene, trace elements, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and plant fibers and can contribute to prolonging life, renewing the body, preventing allergies, myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis and maintaining health and youth.

6.40€ 6.40€

Category: Dried fruits

Related categories: Nutrition, Sports nutrition

Product code: 641




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Usually bought together

Without sugar and preservatives.

From the fact that they are low in fat, sodium and calories, they are ranked in the first tier of healthy nutrition, because they contribute to the smooth functioning of the body and protect it from many diseases, it is rightly considered a modern "elixir of youth". scientific studies are constantly adding new miraculous features to this fruit.

How to use: They are eaten raw as a snack or you can combine them with muesli or yogurt.

Osmotic drying
has been used in order to improve the quality during its processing. This results in the product maintaining its taste and nutritional values, having a longer shelf life as well as preventing microbial spoilage.

Osmosis is the process of dehydrating natural fruits, through which heat treatment is avoided and their original structure is not broken down, keeping the valuable components of the fruit intact. Natural osmosis, in contrast to the conventional method, extends the shelf life of products up to 18 months, making them more functional for the food industry.

The comparative result for consumers is that only fresh fruits of the first grade are selected and no preservatives and additives are used.

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