Raspberries sugar free
Raspberries have very high nutritional value. An excellent source of phytochemicals, while an excellent source of fiber covering approximately 16% of the daily recommended amount of fibers. It is rich in manganese, vitamins C and K, folic acid, magnesium, potassium and copper.
Category: Dried fruits
Related categories: Superfoods, Nutrition, Sports nutrition
Product code: 503-2370
Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits
The variety of phytochemical substances contained in aspberries are considered remarkable, anthocyanins, phenols, tannins and lignans, and their concentration in ellagic acid and pelargonidin is quite high. The ellagic acid, is a substance that has proven antioxidant. Specifically, reportedly inhibits enzymes that promote inflammation and help, at least in studies done for reducing peptic ulcer and other digestive inflammation.
Anticancer properties
Being a rich source of antioxidants, raspberries can reduce that risk by acting both against oxidative stress and inflammation, chronic or not.
Diabetes and Obesity
In the case of obesity, particular emphasis has been given to two different ingredients of raspberry ketones raspberry or blueberry and flavonoid tilirosini.
Ketones are natural compounds found in abundance in raspberries and found in lower quantities in many plants such as pine and maple. Raspberry Ketones are known by the name reosmini mainly used as a food additive. In recent years, researchers conclude that reosmini helps increase metabolism and burn body fat. Additionally, both the reosmini and the tilirosini reportedly trigger adiponectin, a hormone produced by fatty cells in the body and which takes part in the catabolism of fatty acids.
Adiponectin is involved also in regulation of blood glucose levels. In obese individuals with type 2 diabetes this hormone is inactive or not secreted in sufficient quantities. This greatly complicates the regulation of blood sugar and blood fats. Thus, by activation of adiponectin from ketones and tilirosini balance can occur in insulin secretion and the level of sugars and fats in the blood of obese people with type 2 diabetes.
Elina Asimakopoulou
Dietician - Nutritionist, BSc
Scientific Officer "Because Food»
Secretary General Greek Nutritionist Company (EL.D.E.)