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Pumpkin soup with ginger

Pumpkin soup with ginger


~ 1 big pumpkin, cut into cubes (about 4 cups)

~ 1 large sweet potato, white, coarse

~ 2 cloves of garlic

~ 2 tablespoons of olive oil

~ 1 medium onion, coarse

~ 3 cups of chicken or vegetable broth

~ Salt and pepper

~ 1 tablespoon, ginger powder or less depending on taste

~ A pinch of nutmeg

~ Cream, yoghurt, parmesan or whatever else we want for serving

~ Roasted sunflower stew for serving


~ Heat a saucepan and pour the oil. Sauté the onion and just glaze add the pumpkin, sweet potato and garlic.

~ Mix and pour the broth. Salt and pepper and simmer for 20 minutes.

~ Pour the ginger and continue the cooking for another 10 minutes. Close the heat and let cool.

~ Cream it into the multi and transfer it back to the pot. Sprinkle with nutmeg and let it boil. Shake on dishes, sprinkle with freshly ground salad and serve immediately.