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The secret with the lavender that will make your face glow!!

The secret with the lavender that will make your face glow!!


Put in bowl 50 cl water and add a handful of dried roses.

- Mix, put in a saucepan and boil for 10 minutes.

- When removing from heat, allow the beverage to cool covered.

- Filter and put in ice cube trays and then into the freezer.

Boil a cup of plain water and then put a teaspoon of chamomile and lavender for 15 minutes

When the ice cubes you made are ready:

- Spray the face with water from chamomile flowers and lavender and then dab with cotton that you have plunged in the same mixture.

- Dab the face with cotton that you plunged in warm rose water

- Finally, spread the face with one of the ice cubes you made, until it meltes.