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Everything we don't know about coconut oil

Everything we don't know about coconut oil

1. Combination of fatty acids

Coconut oil has been implicated in its saturated fat content, is one of the richest sources of saturated fat (90% of the fatty acids it contains are saturated). However, it does not contain long chain triglycerides such as cheese and meat but medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are metabolised differently. They are used by the liver and the digestive system as a quick source of energy, which seems to have beneficial effects on brain disorders such as epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease.

2. It can increase energy costs and help burn fat

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems in the world. Most people think that obesity is just a matter of calories, but it turns out that different foods affect our hormones in different ways. Coconut oil MCTs can increase energy consumption compared to the same percentage of calories derived from fats made up of Long Chain Triglycerides. One study found that the intake of 15-30 grams of MCTs per day increases the 24-hour energy expenditure by 5%, which accounts for about 120 calories per day.

Conclusion: Coconut oil MCTs have been shown to increase 24-hour energy expenditure by 5% and possibly lead to significant weight loss over the long term.

3. Contains lauric acid

Lauric acid accounts for 50% of the fatty acids contained in coconut oil. When digested, lauric acid found in coconut oil is converted to monolaurin, a substance that is toxic to viruses, fungi and bacteria. In particular, it has been shown that these substances may be toxic to the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (a very dangerous pathogen) and Candida albicans.

The human organism can not synthesize monolaurin without the help of lauric acid. Breast milk is the only source of lauric acid, which confirms the reason for the rare occurrence of infections in infants fed with it. It has also been noted that regular consumption of coconut oil strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of disease.

Conclusion: Fatty acids and coconut oil products can be toxic to harmful pathogenic bacteria as well as help prevent infections

4. It can regulate the appetite

An interesting feature of coconut oil is that it can reduce hunger. This seems to be related to how the fatty acids contained in it are metabolized. A recent study found that consumption of MCTs may lead to reduced calorie consumption (averaging 256 calories less per day). It has also been found that people who consume more MCTs at their breakfast, consume significantly fewer calories at their lunch.

Conclusion: Fatty acids in coconut oil can significantly reduce appetite, which can positively affect body weight over the long term.

5. It can help reduce epileptic seizures

The so-called ketogenic diet has been studied for the treatment of many diseases and its best application is to treat children with epilepsy that are resistant to medication. In particular, this diet involves the consumption of a very small amount of carbohydrates and a large amount of fat, which leads to significantly increased concentrations of ketone bodies in the blood. For some reason, it can dramatically reduce the rate of seizures even in children who have not responded to treatment of different types of drugs. Because MCTs contained in coconut oil are converted to liver in ketone bodies, they are often used in epileptic patients to induce ketosis, and in this way it is possible to use more carbohydrates in the diet.

Conclusion: MCTs contained in coconut oil can increase the blood concentration of ketone bodies, which can help reduce seizures in children with epilepsy.

6. It can help reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Coconut oil contains saturated fatty acids which do not appear to adversely affect the blood lipid profile. Specifically, a study involving 40 women consuming coconut oil was found to have low total and LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL compared to those who consumed soybean oil. In addition there are studies in rats showing that coconut oil reduces triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL while increasing HDL and improves blood coagulation factors as well as antioxidant status.

Conclusion: Studies in humans and rats have shown that coconut oil improves important risk factors such as total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, which can be translated into a reduced risk of heart disease.

7. It can protect the hair and help hydrate the skin

Coconut oil is also used for aesthetic purposes such as to improve the health and appearance of skin and hair. Studies in dry skin have shown that coconut oil can improve the lipid and moisture content of the skin. Also the reason antioxidants it contains protects the skin from aging, while vitamin E can accelerate skin regeneration by burns, scars and other injuries. It can also be used to hydrate hair as well as to fight dandruff, since after frequent use it can eliminate all fungi. Another application is oral solution, since it can fight some of the harmful bacteria in the mouth, improve the health of the teeth and reduce the bad breath of the mouth.

Conclusion: Coconut oil can be applied locally, as studies show that it is effective for hydrating the skin and protecting hair. It can also be used as a mild form of sunscreen and as a mouthwash.

8. It can help relieve symptoms in Alzheimer's patients

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia in the world and occurs mainly in the elderly. Alzheimer's patients appear to have decreased ability of certain parts of the brain to use glucose. It has been found that ketone bodies can provide energy to the brain and be used as an alternative source of energy for cells that are malfunctioning, thereby reducing the symptoms of the disease. It therefore appears that consumption of MCTs contained in coconut oil can lead to an immediate improvement in brain function in patients with mild forms of the disease.

Conclusion: Studies show that MCTs fatty acids can increase blood levels of ketone bodies, provide energy for brain cells in Alzheimer's patients and relieve symptoms.

9. It can contribute to fat loss

Since coconut oil can reduce appetite and increase burning of fat, it is logical that it can also help in weight loss. Coconut oil appears to be particularly effective in reducing abdominal fat, with many diseases. In a study involving 40 women with abdominal obesity, 30 ml (1 ounce) coconut oil per day was added to their diet. This addition eventually led to a significant reduction in both BMI and waist circumference over a 12-week period.

Suggested dosage for results: According to researchers an adult can consume about 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily. This corresponds to the same amount of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) that receives a suckling infant in one day. For those who are not used to the specific oil in their daily diet, it is best to start eating less and see how their body reacts before proceeding to the recommended dosage.

Clever tips - Body / Personal Hygiene

1. Hydration: one tablespoon is sufficient for your face, neck and whole body.

2.Eye cream: apply it under the eyes to reduce swelling, pouches and wrinkles. Use the upper eyelids in the evening.

3. Before shaving: coconut oil will prepare the skin and you will not get irritations.

4.Aftershave: It will calm your skin after shaving, without clogging the pores.

5.Bar Hair: Use a teaspoon of coconut oil to massage your hair ends and then pass your fingers through your hair to go to the rest! For more intensive treatment, rub a tablespoon of coconut oil on the scalp and gently work it to the edges. Put a cap to keep greasy in the pillowcase and go out the next day.

6. Hair Hair - Do not Frustrate: Apply a little on your palms and apply to the edges for curly hair, or comb your fingers from the roots to the edges for split and straight hair.

7. Toothpaste: Add coconut oil, baking soda until it becomes paste.

8. Makeup: Use coconut oil and you will be amazed at how well it works!

9. Lip Lip: Apply a little to the lips because apart from softening it also has a protection index of about 4 and thus gives you a little protection!

10. Stretch Marks: Coconut oil nourishes the damaged skin. He does not do miracles, but he will definitely help.

11. Nipple Cream: Nourishes the cracked, dry nipples. Spread a piece of cotton and place it on your nipples between breastfeeding.

12. Infant cream: Very effective in catches without active chemicals.

13. Baby cough: Coconut oil will nourish your baby's skin and reduce dry skin. Rub a little on the scalp every day.

14. Body scrub: Mix coconut oil with sugar and rub well. Rinse and your skin will be extremely soft! You can also add essential oils if you would like a specific scent.

15.Feeling: In scratches and cuts, it forms a thin layer that protects the wound from dust, bacteria and viruses. Accelerates the process of healing the bruises, restoring damaged tissue. In addition, it smells much better than anything else from the pharmacy.

16. Insect bites: Applied directly to the bite and can stop the itching and burning sensation while accelerating the healing process.

17.Dermal problems: Relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.

Health and Wellbeing

18. Antistresses: Put coconut oil on the head and massage in circular motion. Its natural scent is extremely soothing, helping to reduce the stress level.

19. Presentation: Saturated fats in coconut oil have antibacterial properties that help control parasites and fungi causing indigestion and other related digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. Fatty in coconut oil also helps in absorbing vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier.

20. Breastfeeding: For breastfeeding mothers, consuming 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily will enrich their milk.

21. Slimming: Helps lose weight and control hunger.

Clever tips - Body / Personal Hygiene

1. Hydration: one tablespoon is sufficient for your face, neck and whole body.

2.Eye cream: apply it under the eyes to reduce swelling, pouches and wrinkles. Use the upper eyelids in the evening.

3. Before shaving: coconut oil will prepare the skin and you will not get irritations.

4.Aftershave: It will calm your skin after shaving, without clogging the pores.

5.Bar Hair: Use a teaspoon of coconut oil to massage your hair ends and then pass your fingers through your hair to go to the rest! For more intensive treatment, rub a tablespoon of coconut oil on the scalp and gently work it to the edges. Put a cap to keep greasy in the pillowcase and go out the next day.

6. Hair Hair - Do not Frustrate: Apply a little on your palms and apply to the edges for curly hair, or comb your fingers from the roots to the edges for split and straight hair.

7. Toothpaste: Add coconut oil, baking soda until it becomes paste.

8. Makeup: Use coconut oil and you will be amazed at how well it works!

9. Lip Lip: Apply a little to the lips because apart from softening it also has a protection index of about 4 and thus gives you a little protection!

11. Cogs: Coconut oil nourishes the damaged skin. He does not do miracles, but he will definitely help.

12. Nipple Cream: Nourishes the cracked, dry nipples. Spread a piece of cotton and place it on your nipples between breastfeeding.

13. Infant cream: Very effective in catches without active chemicals.

14. Baby cough: Coconut oil will nourish your baby's skin and reduce dry skin. Rub a little on the scalp every day.

15. Body scrub: Mix coconut oil with sugar and rub well. Rinse and your skin will be extremely soft! You can also add essential oils if you would like a specific scent.

16.Feeling: In scratches and cuts, it forms a thin layer that protects the wound from dust, bacteria and viruses. Accelerates the process of healing the bruises, restoring damaged tissue. In addition, it smells much better than anything else from the pharmacy.

17. Insect bites: Applied directly to the bite and can stop the itching and burning sensation while accelerating the healing process.

18.Dermal problems: Relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.

Health and Wellbeing

19. Antistresses: Put coconut oil on the head and massage in circular motion. Its natural scent is extremely soothing, helping to reduce the stress level.

20. Digestion: Saturated fats in coconut oil have antibacterial properties that help control parasites and fungi causing indigestion and other related digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. Fatty in coconut oil also helps in absorbing vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier.

21. Breastfeeding: For breastfeeding mothers, consuming 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily will enrich their milk.

22. Slimming: Helps lose weight and control hunger.

In what ways can we consume coconut oil:

~ Toast instead of butter. Use coconut oil in your bread instead of butter.

~ Eat it with a spoon. Coconut oil is delicious and healthy. Enjoy a tablespoon every morning.

~ Smoothies. Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to your favorite smoothies and enhance your vitality.

~ Fried eggs. Put a little coconut oil on the bottom of your pan to make the surface non-stick and the eggs delicious.

~ Chips in the oven. Preheat your oven to about 200 degrees. Cut some sweet potatoes into pieces about 1/8 inch thick. Put the pieces in a dish and lightly spread with coconut oil. Leave them for about 15 minutes or until the potatoes become slightly brown. Add a little salt and serve with a sauce. You can also consume them plainly.

~ Replace the vegetable oil when baking. The next time you make your favorite recipe with brussels, replace the vegetable oil with coconut oil.

~ Baked cheese with coconut oil. When baking cheese sandwich, do not use butter.

~ Coffee with coconut oil. Add a spoonful to your espresso to start your day full of energy.

~ Tea with a spoonful of coconut oil. Let it melt and make your tea stronger.

~ Salad Dressing. Make dressing for your salad with coconut oil


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10. Agero AL, Verallo-Rowell VM. A randomized double-blind controlled trial comparing extra virgin coconut oil with mineral oil as a moisturizer for mild to moderate xerosis. Dermatitis. 2004; 15 (3): 109-16.

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