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Helichrysum Oil

natural oils

Helichrysum Oil

Helichrysum Oil

Helichrysum oil is a very effective antiseptic agent. When applied on a wound, it can kill all types of pathogens like bacteria, viruses or fungi, protecting it from infection.

3.90€ 3.90€

Category: Natural oils

Product code: 8011-1




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It has a double action, since it forms a protective layer on top of the wound but also activates the body's natural defensive systems, calling blood platelets and leucocytes to the location. In addition, it has a direct antiseptic effect and kills any germs that come in contact with the oil.

When applied on the skin, this essential oil also acts as a general purpose natural cosmetic agent. It increases moisture at skin level and can eliminate various marks, as well as the cracks and flakes usually caused by dry skin.

In order to use the oil's properties against wounds, add a small amount to your normal skin cream or prepare a diluted solution. It can shield open wounds from infection and boost their rate of healing.

It is effective against acne, since it closes the pores and prevents infection, but also against carbuncles, folliculitis or boils. It can be applied on the skin in pure form but it can sometimes cause irritation, so it's wise to first test it on a small area.

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