Willow herb (Epilobium parviflorum)
Used for prostate promblems like hyperplasia, in cystitis and nephritis. It has antiinflammatory action in infections of the urinary tract bronchitis, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.
Category: Herbs
Product code: 263-1191
Also beneficial in diarrhea and incontinence in men and women.
The positive effect of willow for the prostatic hyperplasia has been reported in the scientific journal (Medicinal herbs) in 1991. This article states that the anti-inflammatory effect of the herb is 10 times greater than the inthomethazin.
The plant is mentioned in a Pharmacopoeia of 1880. Maria Treben in her herbal, 'Health through God's pharmacy' (published 1982) shares her experience of her father-in-law's death from hypertrophy of the prostate gland. An elderly neighbour told her of this plant and its varied uses, and suggested Maria may be able to help many people with the knowledge. Maria did just that, and went on to help many people with information of the herb. In her second book, 'Cures', she shares many case histories and inspiring testimonials of people regaining their health. Maria found that the herb resulted in relief from many prostate disorders. As people were helped by Maria, with the information of using the herb for all manner of kidney, bladder and prostate problems, they passed on the information to others: of a simple remedy that relieves discomfort and pain.
Use: Pour 1-2 teaspoons in a cup of hot water for 7-10 minutes, strain and drink.
You can drink up to 2-3 times a day.