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Organic Cordyceps Powder


Organic Cordyceps Powder

Organic Cordyceps Powder

Cordyceps is considered an "exotic" food which has a reputation as a valuable herb that promotes longevity. It is a real ‘’superfood’’ because it fights the effects of aging and stress, helps the body stay free of various disorders and increases energy levels. It has also been used for centuries to reduce the symptoms of respiratory disorders, coughs, colds and liver damage.

8.90€ 8.90€

Category: Superfoods

Related categories: Organic

Product code: 5-1




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It is considered to be an immune modulator and adaptogen that promotes overall endocrine health, and it is used to support the liver and kidneys. Cordyceps provides antioxidant support, and it also has been used to support normal, healthy male fertility.

Antioxidant protection - Energy and durability

People who exercise regularly, due to increased stress are characterized by increased oxidative stress, for this reason they need increased antioxidant protection. Cordyceps has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. According to research, it seems that it may have a positive effect and neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, protecting cells from their harmful effects, while shielding the immune system.

Cordyceps has been shown to significantly improve energy levels, significantly reducing fatigue, especially in endurance aerobic sports. According to research, taking cordyceps helps increase the production of ATP in the liver, the main energy currency of cells, as well as improving the metabolism of glucose by cells. The result is to contribute to the stimulation of the body, to greater endurance but also to delay muscle exhaustion. In addition, it seemed that it might help in the faster recovery of the muscle tissue after the end of the sports activity.

How does it work; Cordyceps can boost the immune system by stimulating cells and certain chemicals in our immune system. It can also act against cancer cells and shrink the size of the tumor, especially in lung or skin cancers.

It is recommended to be administered after a meal in a dose of 1-1.5gr. per day (Half a teaspoon).

Side effects & safety

People with autoimmune diseases or taking anticoagulants should not take cordyceps supplements.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information to know if cordyceps is safe to use when you are pregnant or breast-feeding or what the side effects are. Stay on the safe side and avoid using it.
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