Black mustard seeds
Mustard seeds are known since ancient times as a healing and culinary herb. The ancient Greeks valued it very much and Hippocrates recommended often for use or poultices for various disorders. The Romans flavored wine with mustard seeds and ate the leaves as a vegetable. Later on the powdered grains, together with vinegar was very popular for seasoning meat, and it was believed that opened the appetite and help in digestion. The powder of seeds was added into sauces, giving pungent flavor to foods. Whole grains thrown into soups, meats cooked in the pot, pickles and sauces.
Category: Spices
Product code: 85-2930
Mustard seeds have heating and antibiotic properties. With this seeds poultices are made for rheumatism, muscle pains and chilblains. Hypertensive should avoid it.
It acts as an antibacterial, antifungal, appetite, laxative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emetic, expectorant, allergic tonic and caustic.