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Samaria Koumaria honey (450g)


Samaria Koumaria honey (450g)

Samaria Koumaria honey (450g)

Honey is considered to have tonic and antiseptic properties and is also recommended for the prevention - treatment of infectious, digestive and respiratory diseases. At the same time, it is rich in copper and boron. Honey as human food is one of the most valuable, nutritious and healthiest foods.

8.90€ 8.90€

Category: Delicatessen

Related categories: Nutrition, Spreads - Nut Butters

Product code: 6009-9




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Koumaria or Common Arbutus is an evergreen large shrub or small tree, with a wide spread in the Mediterranean region to western France and one of the most characteristic plants of the maquis vegetation.

Koumaria honey is a very nutritious honey that is collected by bees twice a year. It is a great edible product for humans as it is rich in vitamins and trace elements.

Crystallization of honey is a natural phenomenon that is restored if you place the package in hot water up to 50oC.

It gives energy to the muscles, clarity to the mind, disinfects and regulates the digestive system. Its regular use gives vigor to the body and contributes to prolonging life. Hippocrates and all the doctors of antiquity recommended it as a medicine in many cases.

Honey and child: after mother's milk, honey is the one that has a beneficial effect on the child's development. It protects his teeth, disinfects the oral cavity, increases blood cells and the percentage of hemoglobin resulting in the treatment of anemia, helps in better absorption of calcium, good functioning of the stomach and intestines, makes children strong. Teaching our child to eat honey and not sugar, one could say is an act of love.

Honey and sports: in ancient times, before entering the track, athletes took honey, because they considered it rejuvenating for the body. But even today it is a basic element of the diet of sportsmen and women.

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