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Egg White Albumin Powder


Egg White Albumin Powder

Egg White Albumin Powder

Egg White Albumin Powder

4.20€ 4.20€

Category: Confectionery

Related categories: Nutrition, Dukan - Keto - Paleo diets

Product code: 108-6567




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An simple way to consume egg albumin is to have it in a powdered form. Scientists have found a way to extract the water from the egg albumin to make egg white powder. There are many advantages to having egg albumin powder.

In the powdered form, you won’t need to deal with the raw egg albumin or worry about contaminating other materials because the dehydration process kills salmonella. Also, if you only want to eat the egg albumin, the yolk can’t go to waste because it’s not there.

Dried egg albumin lasts much longer than fresh egg whites do. It can be stored at room temperature and has a shelf life of about a year when opened. A sealed container of egg albumin can last anywhere from five to ten years.

You can use the dried egg albumin any way you would use fresh egg whites. Egg albumin is good to make protein shakes with, added in recipes, or simply cooked and eaten. Egg albumin is easy to reconstitute, just add water.

People who are allergic to eggs should not eat egg albumin. The symptoms of an egg allergy include a stuffy nose, hives, allergic asthma, nausea, vomiting and cramps.

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