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Organic Quinoa flakes (Gluten Free)


Organic Quinoa flakes (Gluten Free)

Organic Quinoa flakes (Gluten Free)

Quinoa contains more protein than any other grain, gluten-free and is very rich in fiber, minerals, trace elements, vitamins B complex, potassium, iron and zinc. The nutritional value of plant and seed protein from quinoa view approaching the red meat and milk, with much lower fat content of these foods and more valuable fiber.

2.95€ 2.95€

Category: Superfoods

Related categories: Nutrition, Sports nutrition, Gluten Free, Organic

Product code: 464-2428




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The quinoa (or kinva) is an excellent food for children and seniors. Contains lysine, which is mostly necessary for growth and tissue repair and magnesium that helps reduce type 2 diabetes and relaxes blood vessels to relieve migraine headaches.

Ιτ has been described as one of the most healthful foods with high nutritional value and is high in the category of superfoods. The key ingredient is that it provides all 9 essential amino acids for the body and is characterized as a food of high biological value.

Quinoa also happens to be very high in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals and are believed to help fight aging and many diseases.

One study looked at antioxidants in 10 foods: 5 cereals, 3 pseudocereals and 2 legumes.

Quinoa had the highest antioxidant content of all 10

In recent years, quinoa is now customary to a dietary supplement but also a key ingredient in diets for fat loss or for treatment against cholesterol, diabetes and sugar.

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