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Molokhia leaves


Molokhia leaves

Molokhia leaves

Also pronounced as molokhiya, and also called " Egyptian spinach " or " vegetable for kings ." During 6000 BC, a sick Egyptian King asked for a bowl of hot soup , and found it delicious . After receiving the warm soup each day 's illness king had healed . Diane enjoyed the same soup quite often .

0.80€ 0.80€

Category: Spices

Product code: 52-3146




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Some of the health benefits of molokhia include its ability to protect hearthealth, regulate digestion, protect the immune system, build strong bones, improve blood pressure, increase cognitive abilities, improves sleep habits, helps in growth and development, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation.

You may find molokhia used in a variety of different ways, including as salads, soups, curries, garnishes, spices, or flavoring agents. However, its versatility isn’t the only reason for its popularity. There are more than 30 vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals in molokhia, as well as certain organic compounds that significantly contribute to human health. Let’s take a closer look.

Nutritional Value Of Molokhia

Some of the most prominent nutritional components of molokhia include fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and selenium, as well as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, vitamin A, and niacin. It also contains certain antioxidant carotenes and antioxidant elements, making a well-rounded and highly beneficial addition to your diet!

Health Benefits Of Molokhia:

Blood Pressure - Circulation - Digestion - Heart Health - Sleep Habits - Immune System - Bone Growth and Health - Anti-inflammatory

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