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Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide NaOH) (1kg)

natural oils

Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide NaOH) (1kg)

Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide NaOH) (1kg)

Caustic soda or sodium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide - NaOH, is the active component that allows the transformation of oils into soap. Also dissolves grease, unblock drains, disinfects.

4.90€ 4.90€

Category: Natural oils

Related categories: Cosmetics, Natural oils, Ingredients for cosmetics

Product code: 9050-3484




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Usually bought together

Make a solution of caustic soda

To start, it is preferable to use soda solution in water (concentration of about 30%, preferably).

If it iis a soda in solid form it must be dissolved in water for saponification.

Build the solution of caustic soda in pyrex container or heat-resistant plastic.

Place the pot with the water level stable surface in a well ventilated area or in the kitchen sink.

Weigh accurately a quantity of caustic soda into another container, then add soda water (not vice-versa), stirring gently with a large spoon or plastic inox. It will warm up and release vapors. Do not inhale.
Move leaving the container on the ground. Stir every so expecting the total dissolution of caustic soda and the solution was cooled to about 30-40 ° C before use.

Note that at the end of saponification, after the maturity period, all the soda will react with the oils to give us soap. The final product contains no soap caustic soda.


- Save the caustic soda with "dangerous products" separately from acids and away from children.
- Prepare the environment: remove every obstacle and remove children, animals ...
- Beware: tall thick gloves, safety glasses, "safe" clothing with long sleeves and possibly skirt or blouse.
- Use durable material: pyrex, glass, silicone, durable heat resistant plastic, silicone, plastique résistant à la chaleur, stainless steel (avoid other metals)
- To better control your movements stay upright when working.
- Put everything caustic soda to the oil mixture.
- You will get thrown over your slurry caustic soap. Select appropriate size container to stir the mixture completely.
- If you pop up your soda rinse immediately with plenty of water.
- The pulp is still caustic soap when placed in the mold. Children away from the filled molds.
- Wear gloves when demolded, soaps may be more aggressive.
- Wear gloves when cleaning tools. Do not throw the pulp into the sink, wipe off excess with paper and rinse with water.
- Respect maturation period of at least 4 weeks before using the soap.

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