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Holy basil - Tulsi tea


Holy basil - Tulsi tea

Holy basil - Tulsi tea

What does holy basil do for the body? In the last few decades, several Indian scientists and researchers have studied the pharmacological effects of various parts of the tulsi plant on the immune system, reproductive system, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, gastric system, urinary system and blood biochemistry.

2.50€ 2.50€

Category: Herbs

Product code: 24-7403




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Ocimum tenuiflorum - Holy basil, otherwise known as tulsi in Hindu, is known for its therapeutic power when it comes to maintaining homeostasis and fighting the effects of stress. The tulsi plant has a rich history dating back 3,000 years ago to ancient India, as it’s long been considered a medicinal herb and sacred plant in Ayurvedic medicine. Historically, it was used as medicine and still today holy basil leaves are regarded as natural adaptogens (anti-stress agents) that promote health throughout the entire body.

Health Benefits:

Lose Weight: try tulsi tea for effective and safe weight loss results. This herbal brew works by increasing your metabolism, which in turn helps in accelerating fat burning process. It provides a healthy and natural way to lose weight.

Dissolve kidney stones: The tulsi plant is a great diuretic and detoxifier, which is great for the kidneys. Uric acid is the major component of kidney stones. Uric is the by product of various metabolic processes. Excess uric acid is excreted from the body by the kidneys. It helps in reducing the uric acid levels in the body by improving the functioning of kidney cells. Tulsi tea contains essential oils that help in breaking down kidney stones. These essential oils also help to dull down the pain of kidney stones.

Nervous system: Tulsi tea has been discovered a very good remedy for epilepsy and other nervous system disorders. It helps in calming the nervous and improving the motor-sensory coordination. According to a study done in Punjab University in India, tulsi has the same effect on convulsions and seizures as that of phenytoin (anti-epileptic medicine).

Helps Fight Cancer: In general, holy basil may not only possibly work as a natural cancer treatment, but another of the many holy basil benefits include that it may also help to prevent it. Research shows that people who regularly consume tulsi are less likely to be immunocompromised and less susceptible to developing cancer cells. According to research published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, tulsi and its phytochemicals (including eugenol, rosmarinic acid, apigenin, myretenal, luteolin, β-sitosterol and carnosic acid), in some cases, may help prevent chemical-induced lung, liver, oral and skin cancers because they increase antioxidant activity, alter healthy gene expressions, induce cancer cell death, prevent blood vessel growth contributing to cancer cell growth and stop metastasis

Relieves Fever: Holy basil is often recommended as a natural fever reliever, especially by practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine. Holy basil leaves are thought to act as antibiotic, germicidal and disinfectant agents, which means they can protect us from bacteria and viruses. When we have a fever, it’s proof that our bodies are fighting against an infection. Therefore, with its infection-fighting properties, tulsi may help to fight a fever.

Good Source of Vitamin K: Vitamin K is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone health and heart health. It’s one of the main vitamins involved in bone mineralization and blood clotting, but it also helps maintain brain function, a healthy metabolism and cellular health.

Supports Dental Care and Oral Health: Tulsi may fight bacteria in your mouth that can lead to dental issues, such as cavities, plaque, tartar and bad breath. It serves as a natural mouth freshener and cleanser because compounds found in the leaves kill bacteria and germs hiding in your mouth. Using a mouthwash containing basil leaf extract twice daily seems to help reduce plaque and the risk for developing gingivitis.

Supports Eye Health: Our eyes are susceptible to viral, bacterial and fungal infections that can be very dangerous. Thankfully, holy basil benefits include helping to fight these detrimental infections. Tulsi is commonly prescribed in Ayurveda to fight against conjunctivitis — also commonly known as pink eye — thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

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