Amount to spent for free shipping
Heraklion town: 35.00€ Free shipping
Greece: 55.00€ Free shipping
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My Green Club Reward Program

Gather points - Earn money.

When you are a member of the online store every purchase is rewarded.

You trust us and we reward you. Earn reward points with every purchase, small or big.

For every 100 – 500 – 1000 points you accumulate and redeem, we give you money back.

Reward program:

  • 100 points = 1 €
  • 500 points = 10 €
  • 1000 points = 25 €

PREREQUISITE: Concentration and redemption of points can only be carried out for registered customers. To collect your points, you need to be logged in to your account. Points are not added if you place your order as a visitor.

Points are only rendered if orders are completed and paid. In case of non -receipt, cancellation or refund of the order, the respective reward points will be canceled. reserves the right to change the rules and policies of awarding and management of reward points at any time and without notice.