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Greek Peanut butter with 33% protein (Vegan) (300g)


Greek Peanut butter with 33% protein (Vegan) (300g)

Greek Peanut butter with 33% protein (Vegan) (300g)

A peanut butter that has the same delicious taste of roasted Greek peanuts but with 33g of vegetable protein per 100g of product.

4.15€ 4.15€

Category: Nutrition

Related categories: Nutrition, Spreads - Nut Butters, Sports nutrition, Dukan - Keto - Paleo diets

Product code: 1014-4




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Usually bought together

A new and innovative peanut spread with soy protein, ideal snack for those who follow a 3 phase, keto or paleo diet with low carbohydrates and high protein, but also for those who simply take care of their daily life.

Due to the nutritional value of peanuts, peanut butter, although it has a a few calories, can be a good food for children and athletes, it can also to protect the body from cardiovascular disease because it contains antioxidants and monounsaturated fats. A small amount is enough to provide saturation and a good dose of protein.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that eating about 28 grams of peanut butter for at least 5 days a week can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 30%. In America, where peanut butter is mainly used, studies have shown that thanks to its composition and its content, polyunsaturated fatty acids can contribute to the reduction of cholesterol.

It is used as a spread on bread, as a filling in cakes or pastries and as an ingredient in sauces

Ingredients: Peanut Butter (76%), Soya Protein Concentrate Formulated (24%)

No Added Sugar

33g protein per 100g peanut butter

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