Pilewort is a common name for plants that were traditionally used to treat piles. (Hemorrhoids)
Category: Herbs
Product code: 301-7382
Pilewort (Ranunculus Ficaria) medicinal herb also referred to as Fireweed, Double Lesser Celendine, Pilewort, Fig Buttercup, Small Celandine, Butterblume, Figwort, Smallwort, Tree Celandine, Celandine Poppy, is a perennial herbaceous plant used as herbal medicine since ancient times.
Pilewort has been used to treat piles or hemorrhoids. The herb can be used externally as well as internally to treat piles. Internally, the roots of the plant are used to make herbal tea. This practice is usually seen in folk medicine.
Externally, poultices containing the crushed extract of the herb along with crushed ice are applied directly to the affected area. Many use Pilewort along with aloe Vera and make a cream using this combination for external application.
Pilewort helps in reducing the pain associated with hemorrhoids. It is said that the herb effectively helps in constricting the blood vessels and reduces bleeding.