Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys)
Stimulates appetite, gall bladder, kidney, helps in digestion and diabetes. Is bitter substances make it an ideal remedy for the stomach, but mostly is a special herb against stomach disorders and particularly renowned as treatment of ulcers of the stomach and elcels
Category: Herbs
Product code: 178-1786
Despite serious safety concerns, people take germander for treating gallbladder conditions, fever, stomachaches, and mild diarrhea; as a digestive aid, germ-killer, and “rinse for gout;” and to help with weight loss.
Some people use germander as a mouthwash to freshen the breath and kill germs in the mouth.
This herb is harmless in small doses. Overdose for a long time is likely to cause damage to the liver.
Use: Pour 1 teaspoon of tea for a cup of water, in boiling water for 7-10 minutes, strain and drink.
The beverage drink 1 time per day.
Attention in use, no more than 2 weeks