Artichoke leaves
The beneficial properties are due to kynarine, which gives it its characteristic bitter taste.
Category: Herbs
Product code: 454-514
The artichoke protects the human liver, increases bile production, detoxifies the liver and reduces cholesterol.
The main uses for the artichoke are, gallstone, as a tonic for liver and biliary bile bladder, for high cholesterol, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn disease, several other intestinal problems.
The artichoke has also been used as an astringent, blood purifier, cordial, detoxifier, digestive stimulant, diuretic and hypotensive.
Several pharmacological properties have been recorded on the leaves of which have hypolipidemic, cholesterol lowering, and hypatus protective antioxidant properties.
Beyond cynarine and skolymoside contains skylomozidia, inulin, kynaropiktine, taraxasterole, phenolic acids (up to 2%), a volatile oil (mainly containing beta-Selinini and karyofyllini), vitamins A, B1, B2 and C.
The bitterness the herb has, promotes good digestion, stimulating the secretion of digestive juices of the body. You can try to drink an aperitif containing artichoke before your meal.
Also used in the beverage industry for the production of Italian liqueur called «Cynar».
Use: Pour 1 teaspoon in a cup of hot water for 7-10 minutes, strain and drink.
You can drink it 1-2 times a day.
The artichoke, because it is grounded with its heart, has a spider - web like texture and appearance.