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Cacao Amo (The award-winning chocolate slimming drink) (175gr)


Cacao Amo (The award-winning chocolate slimming drink) (175gr)
Cacao amo 175gr
Best in Pharmacy 23 stickers bronze Kalytero proion ghia Poiotita Zois Kalyteri Yghia e1711280362479

Cacao Amo (The award-winning chocolate slimming drink) (175gr)

99% of people have a particular love and weakness for chocolate. But in a diet - diet for weight loss or specialized purpose, they are "forbidden" this "sweet sin" as they are used to call it

19.90€ 19.90€

Category: Nutrition

Related categories: Nutrition, Dukan - Keto - Paleo diets

Product code: 6255




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The BestinPharmacy2023 award-winning CACAO AMO fills this “gap” by offering everyone the “ultimate” ally in weight loss – slimming or even in a specialized diet as a meal replacement to optimize the health of the body with many additional benefits.

In a few words:

An award-winning specialized formulation based on the beneficial properties of: Organic cocoa (cacao), Organic glucomannan (glucomannan – Konjac root), Organic ganoderma, Organic cinnamon, Organic beetroot, Patent Mix of active extracts, Xylitol, Vanillin

Cacao Amo Slim offers the ultimate combination of taste and results with less than 30kcal/dose

It is consumed as a cold or hot cocoa-chocolate drink or in yogurt or even as an ingredient in recipes, having a wonderful taste and "unbelievable" beneficial properties.

~ Results from the first days

~ Natural source of protein & Ω3 fats & prebiotic fiber

~ Strong sense of satiety

~ Protection of gastric & intestinal & digestive system

~ Improving the gut microbiome

~ Improves constipation or flatulence respectively

~ Protects and enhances memory and clarity

~ Improves mood

~ Protects and renews cells

~ Enhances the elimination of harmful heavy metals

~ Reduces the desire for sweets

~ Improves thyroid health

~ 100% Plant product / Vegan

~ Gluten & lactose free

~ Sugar Free/ Organic Xylitol

Results people who have consumed it have reported to us:

I no longer have emotional binges

I no longer seek sweets

I can't believe I use it in water, milk, yogurt and in recipes

I'm not parting with it

Mood booster

I am no longer constipated

I didn't think it would be so effective

Instructions for Use: Recommended dosage: 5-10g (1-2 kg) 1-2 times a day, 30' before meals or as a substitute meal.

It is consumed as a cold or hot cocoa-chocolate drink having an excellent taste and "unbelievable" beneficial services.

Once the product is opened, keep in a cool place.

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