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Tribulus terrestris tincture

natural oils

Tribulus terrestris tincture

Tribulus terrestris tincture

Tribulus terrestris enhances fertility and promotes rejuvenation of the body. It is a natural "anabolic", having a concomitant effect with growth hormone and is used as a supplement for professional or amateur sports.

9.50€ 9.50€

Category: Natural oils

Related categories: Herbs, Nutrition, Sports nutrition

Product code: 6273




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Trivol increases testosterone, which is why it is often used by bodybuilders and athletes looking for steroid alternatives.

Trivoli is therapeutic and well known for its aphrodisiac properties (often called "nature's Viagra") - thanks to the steroidal saponins it contains, which seem to affect both sexes without causing the side effects of the corresponding artificial preparations such as of blood pressure.

In men it increases the production of testosterone and consequently the erectile capacity, production and motility of sperm. It is an ideal herb for conditions of reduced sexual capacity (infertility), premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, prostate dysfunction.

In women, trivol seems to particularly relieve the symptoms of premenopausal and menopausal stage such as headaches, insomnia, mood swings, abdominal pain. For this reason, trivoli is also indicated for the treatment of psychosomatic diseases such as dizziness and vertigo, hypersensitivity and mood disorders (up to depression), hypertension and insomnia.

Steroidal saponins and their amount can vary considerably depending on the place of origin of the product. Of the various saponins contained in Tribulus, the most potent is considered to be protodoskin, which makes up about 50% of them. As the name implies, steroid saponins are structurally similar to steroid hormones, including testosterone and estrogen.

The best quality active Tribulus soaps come from Bulgaria and Turkey.

The authentic Bulgarian Tribulus is considered to be of the highest quality in terms of active ingredient content. In addition to saponins, Tribulus also contains flavonoids, alkaloids and amino acids, as well as small amounts of vitamin C. Saponins in particular are thought to provide benefits to the human body, such as lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

For adults: 10 drops of tincture in a little warm water or orange juice, 2 times a day

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