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Elevenfit Dulce de leche Syrup Sugar free (330ml)


Elevenfit Dulce de leche Syrup Sugar free (330ml)

Elevenfit Dulce de leche Syrup Sugar free (330ml)

Syrup with the taste of Italian traditional Dulce de Leche caramel recipe, without calories, sugar and fat. High quality in taste and texture. Ideal product for dieting.

4.95€ 5.50€

Категория: Dukan - Keto - Paleo diets

Похожие категории: питание, спортивное питание, без глютена, кондитеру

Код товара: 80044




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Usually bought together

The best choice for lovers of sweets, who pay attention to their diet.

Elevenfit syrups have revolutionized sweets! A unique range of wonderful flavors that can accompany pancakes, crepes, waffles and other sweets.

They match well with yogurt and they don't contain sugars and calories, as is the case with honey, sugar or jams that we usually use.

Thus, we can consume a snack high in protein without unnecessary calories.

They combine wonderfully with fruit salads, ice creams and sorbets. They do not contain fat, sugar and calories, which makes the syrups an ideal product for dieting.

Elevenfit syrups have the following advantages:

~ No sugar, no added preservatives.

~ No calories (0 kcal / 5ml), no fat.

~ Ideal choice in special diets and diets & for diabetics due to the low glycemic index.

~ Gluten Free, Vegan & Bio friendly, contain only natural flavoring and coloring materials

~ Healthy option suitable for all ages (3+).

~ Full range of flavors to suit all tastes.

~ High quality in taste and texture.

Why try it: Elevenfit syrups are an ideal choice for balanced diets without calories as they accompany sweets, fruits and other preparations with flavor. They take off diets and special diets deliciously without adding unnecessary calories but only enjoyment!

Nutritional Value per 100ml: Energy 46 kJ /11 kcal - Fats 0.9g of which saturated 0g - Carbohydrates 1g of which sugars 0g - Protein 1.9g - Salt 0.23g

Nutritional Value per 5ml: Energy 2kJ / 1 kcal - Fats 0g of which saturated 0g - Carbohydrates 0g of which sugars 0g - Protein 0g - Salt 0.01g

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