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Green apple Chips 100% (Genuine tastes) (40g)


Green apple Chips 100% (Genuine tastes) (40g)
Tsips prasino milo gnisies gefsis
Tsips prasino milo gnisies gefsis2

Green apple Chips 100% (Genuine tastes) (40g)

Did you get "cravings"? Here's a delicious way to eat "an apple a day"! Crispy dried apple OLON Try them now! 100% natural product without additives or preservatives.

2.35€ 2.35€

Category: Delicatessen

Related categories: Nutrition, Sports nutrition, Dried fruits, Dukan - Keto - Paleo diets

Product code: 6037




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Usually bought together

~ No added sugar or salt
~ No preservatives or other additives
~ Only one ingredient. 100% Apple
~ For you who always need a bag of "something-to-eat"
~ For when you watch a movie, or when you sit on a bench and gaze at the sea.

Product of Organic Processing

The bag you are holding contains two dried apples, cut into one piece like a tornado. It's so crunchy that once you bite into it, you might feel like you messed up your diet. It's pure apple though!

Prepared from the juiciest apples, a snack that is healthy but at the same time delicious. Without added salt, sugar or fried, we deliver the green apple chips from Original Flavors. One or Their characteristics is the texture they leave in the mouth when you chew them. They are more like potato chips than the usual "rubbery" apple chips.

Made from 100% dried apple slices, our Green Apple Chips clearly exudes the authentic apple flavor. No flavor enhancers or fried you may have encountered before. Armed with great apple flavor, they are ready to seduce you. Our goal is to have you indulge in this healthy addiction after the first bite.

The company's facilities do not process peanuts or walnuts or other similar products

With a specialized method, the company caramelize the natural sugars of the fruit, removing its moisture, having kept the concentrated flavor of the fruit itself and the crispness of the chips without being fried.

From the day the package is opened, the chips will not remain crispy unless you seal it with the special zip. Depending on the conditions, of course, they will gradually start to lose their crispness. Of course, the bag is designed to contain a portion, which is difficult not to eat immediately and not have this problem. For MAXIMUM ENJOYMENT, put it in the freezer 3-4 minutes before consumption.

Due to our natural preparation method, there is a possibility that the packaging may contain traces of apple pits. Store them in a cool dry place.

Bon appetit!

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